Tag Archives: blog development

Playing around in Adobe Photoshop

When I say Photoshop, I mean an old version from 2002, haha! The updated versions would probably blow my socks off. It has been months and months since I last tried to create something for my sad little website, littleredhenpress.com. I really really enjoy creating digital images, and the past few hours flew by. Granted I cursed at the screen a few times, my leg went dead, and I got up to make another cup of coffee, but I don’t care. It was fun! It took a little while to refresh my memory on how things work, as I am pretty much self taught. Maybe I should take a photoshop class at the local college…. hmm! I’ll keep you posted.

Here is the banner I made today (in case I change it some more)



Her is a screenshot of my sad website (I HAVE to get rid of that huge blue border!)